OMEP Česká republika

Evropský projekt

How to learn about different cultures at pre-school age

The aim of the project is that of sharing good practices in familiarizing children of pre-school age with other cultures and nations. The project is not only focused on integration-oriented multicultural education and on becoming acquainted with ethnic groups, which children may encounter in their neighbourhood. The project should provide teachers with activities and programmes acquainting children with other cultures and nations in various regions of Europe. These programmes and activities including photographic documentation or other relevant materials, will be posted on a website as an open source, to enable teachers to make use of the subject programmes or activities very simply in practice.

This project will focus on European countries or regions. The contribution made by this project will be that of a rich database of resources and activities destined for becoming acquainted with different cultures and regions of the world in the context of pre-school education.

All member-States of the European part of OMEP are very welcome to participate.